Ashtrays and more after 2015

The Ashblocks after 2015

These items are ashtrays, standing ashtrays that can be converted into side tables and side tables with integrated ashtrays.

Modern and unique.


First of all the part in which the butt is extinguished, the Put-out.

Put a butt in one of the holes, the butt will immediately douse due to lack of oxygen.

The Put-out before 2015. There are stainless steel tubes in the holes.

After 2015, the Ash pillar became simpler.

Previously the big Put-out lay in the interior of the Ash pillar.

Now we see the small one that has only one hole, lying down in a gap on top of the Ashblock.

The new and small Put-out with its stainless steel coated inside.

The size of it is 1.2" x 1.2" x 0.8"

The Ashblocks

Characteristic is the combination of sleek modern design with varnished natural wood.

With its height of one foot next to your armchair it provides ultimate comfort.

The convertable Ashblock: